Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Center responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by significantly expanding its tele-psychiatric services. Thanks to tele-psychiatry, more patients can be treated, shortening waiting lists and expanding geographical coverage.
Virtual meetings between patients and mental health practitioners have become the new norm around the world, and Mayanei Hayeshua’s committed staff have adopted this new model in order to maintain support for their patients in a safe manner. Hundreds of clinic and daycare patients are able to receive excellent—and some frequent—care, without leaving their homes.
According to Professor Rael Strous, medical director of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Center, tele-psychiatry is in line with the hospital’s long-held philosophy that mental health therapy must be perceived as normative, and we should find a way to incorporate it in our daily lives, whatever the circumstances may be.