We are a NOT-FOR-PROFIT COMMUNITY HOSPITAL. We provide professional medical treatment to more than a quarter of a million Israelis annually. We receive NO Government financial aid. Mayanei Hayeshua must rely totally on the generosity of caring supporters to continue to offer the best, latest state-of the art care and treatment, with dignity, throughout our Medical Center. YOU have the POWER. YOU can make it happen.

Donation via Credit Card / PayPal

To donate to Mayanei Hayeshua, a non-profit hospital providing professional medical treatment to over 250,000 people per year, please press here:

Bank transfer account information

Bank transfer account information
Account name: Mayanei Hayeshua
Bank Name: Pagi
Branch Number: 188
Account Number: 464961
IBAN: IL200521880000000464961

Checks payable to

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center

17 Povarsky Street, Bnei Brak,
5154475 – to International Resources Department

To Donate to a different branch please choose:

Thank you for supporting us!

A receipt and thank you letter will be sent to you by mail.

Thank you for visiting the new website of the International Friends of Mayanei Hayeshua the charitable arm of a unique Israeli community hospital