Medical Research Collaboration between Mayanei Hayeshua and JCT

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center recently hosted a special lecture on the subject: “Preventive Treatment for Postnatal Depression – Prediction and Preventive Therapy – A Presentation.”At the invitation of the Clinical Research Department at Mayanei Hayeshua, the Lev Academic Center (JCT), presented the results of a groundbreaking and encouragingly hopeful study on the painful subject of […]


After extensive preparations, a dedicated gifts room was inaugurated in a festive ceremony in the pediatric ward of the Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center. The new room, donated by “Yair’s Gift House” headed by Meirav Hollander, was established with the aim of alleviating the anxiety and pain that form part of hospitalization, especially when it comes […]

Prestigious Magazine “Frontiers” features groundbreaking research by Mayanei Hayeshua’s Eating Disorders Unit

Virtual Online Home-Based Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic for Ultra-Orthodox Young Women With Eating Disorders Written by: Yael Latzer, Esther Herman, Rachel Ashkenazi, Orna Atias, Sofia Laufer, Ateret Biran Ovadya, Tova Oppenheimer, Meirav Shimoni, Moria Uziel, Daniel Shtein Background: With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need arose to maintain treatment continuity for religious […]

Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus Department - Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center

A very special Gift Room

The gift room of dreams built thanks to the generous donation Yair’s Gift House is a magical corner inside the hospital. This colorful and pleasant room contains cupboards filled with a variety of gifts and prizes intended for distribution to the children hospitalized in the hospital. The amazing Yair’s Gift House; ensures that boxes full […]

Operating Theater Wing

Two brand new operating rooms were recently inaugurated on top of the four existing ones. Additionally, a large and impressive Post-Op Day Hospitalization department was established. The Jacob and Lea Friedman Operating Wing was built in response to the extensive demand for expanding the operating services at the hospital to answer the rising need. The […]

International Research Institute

About us - Mayanei Hayeshua

The research institute supports ground-breaking clinical research in the forefront of medical ethics, Halacha, and the treatment, recovery, cure and prevention of mental disorders in the community. Mayanei Hayeshua’s acclaimed Mental Health Center is already regarded as a role model for all psychiatric hospitals in Israel. Now with the establishment of its Mental Health Research […]

Adolescents Day Care Center

Day Care Center for Adolescents

< back to mental health The planned Day Care Center will meet the growing demand for the mental health needs of at-risk adolescents who require psychiatric intervention but do not require full in-hospital care – in a facility that is culturally attuned to the community. The Day Care Center will offer comprehensive psychiatric treatment for […]

Mental Health Center

Mayanei Hayeshua Mental Health Center

0 Families are treated at the family day care center. 0 Patients receive treatment in the outpatient clinics per year. 0 Beds 0 Beds In the male psychiatry department 0 Beds In the women’s psychiatry department 0 Beds In the adolescent psychiatry department 0 Day hospitalization beds – eating disorders 0 Direct employees 0 Employees […]

Eating Disorders Department

Eating Disorders Department

At Mayanei Hayeshua’s Eating Disorders Department, personal work plans are devised for each patient, fully adapted to their individual needs and pace. The staff is comprised of psychologists, psychiatrists, a wide variety of occupational therapists, nurses, social workers, and teaching staff. The director of the unit is Prof. Danny Stein. The senior team includes social […]