By Alan Rosenbaum “We are bringing down the stigma of mental health by introducing cultural sensitivity,” said Chaim Fachler, Director of International Resource Development at Mayanei HaYeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak. Fachler participated in a panel discussion on the subject of “Tikkun Olam meets the Startup Nation” at the Jerusalem Post Conference in New […]

Using Big Data to help personalize mental health treatment

Mayanei Hayeshua’s Professor Rael Strous participated in the “Future of Healthcare” panelat the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York, September 2022 The medical director of Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Center, Professor Rael Strous, was a member of the “Future of Healthcare” onstage live panel at the Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York on […]

Agudat Hayedidim Event

Members of Agudat Hayedidim gathered at Mayanei Hayeshua on May 15th in order to reignite their commitment and devotion to the unique community hospital. The gathering included senior members, as well as new members, traveling from all over the country, interested in hearing and learning more about the hospital, particularly regarding its prestigious research institute.The […]