The story of ‘Y’ – a miraculous return to life

When ‘Y’ was hospitalized in the Eating Disorders Unit of Mayanei Hayeshua, she was desperately ill – physically and emotionally.  She was horribly emaciated.  She was so weak that she could barely lift herself up.  Most frightening of all, ‘Y’, a young teenager, had completely given up on herself.  She had lost the will to […]

Mayanei Hayeshua expands role of Tele-psychiatry in response to Covid-19

Teletherapy - Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center

Mayanei Hayeshua’s Mental Health Center responded to the Covid-19 pandemic by significantly expanding its tele-psychiatric services. Thanks to tele-psychiatry, more patients can be treated, shortening waiting lists and expanding geographical coverage.Virtual meetings between patients and mental health practitioners have become the new norm around the world, and Mayanei Hayeshua’s committed staff have adopted this new […]

The story of ‘M’ – an eyewitness report of a ‘wow’ experience

Anorexia Department

My recent visit to MAYANEI HAYESHUA Eating Disorders Unit can be described as nothing short of extraordinary. I was part of a truly ‘WOW’ – transformational experience. I met a young woman – let’s call her ‘M’ to protect her privacy – who has been an in-patient in this program for just over a year. […]